Tuesday 08.23.16

Aerobic Endurance
Hill Sprints x 10-15 sets
*Find a big hill and sprint up it fast. Rest as long as needed to replicate your fastest sprint time. If you drop off more than 5-10 sec you are done.

A. Strict HSPU: 5-10 reps every 2 mins x 10 mins.
*Use a deficit if you can complete 10 or more reps every set.
B. Close Grip Bench: 4 sets x 6 reps, AHAP.
C.1. DB Seated Overhead Press: 4-5 sets x 10 reps
C.2. Strict Pull-ups: 4-5 sets x 10-15 reps

In teams of 2, only 1 persons works at a time. Both partners must complete each exercise before moving to the next exercise. 1 rd complete is when both partners have finished the double unders.

15 min AMRAP:
15 HR Push-ups
15 KBS, 55/35
30 Double Unders

L-sit practice

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