Monthly Archives: August 2013

8/31/2013 Saturday


A. Snatch: Work up to one rep 20# less than your PR

B. Clean: Work up to one rep 20# less than your PR



Hang Power Clean, 115/75

30 Double Unders



Power Snatch, 75/55

Burpee Over Bar


A. Snatch: Work up to one rep 20# less than your PR

B. Clean: Work up to one rep 20# less than your PR



Hang Power Clean, 205/105

50 Double Unders



Power Snatch, 135/95

Burpee Over Bar

Friday 8/30/13


Fri 8/30/13

A. CAT Incline Bench Press: 5 sets x 5 reps, @ 70%. Last set is for Max Reps. (Cat means explode UP)

B.1. Dips: 3 sets x AMRAP(-2), rest 30 sec

B.2. HandStand Hold: 3 sets x  max sec, rest 2 min.

C. Weighted Pull-ups: 5 x 5, for good pulls not so much weight.

D. E.M.O.M x 20 min

Even: 3 Back Squat @ 60%

Odd: 3-5 Chin-ups


Fri 8/30/13

Skill warm-up

3rds not for time of:

Handstand Wall Balance max sec.

Handstand Shoulder Touches 3/3 each side.

A. Pause Strict Press: 5 x 2, 2 sec pause on shoulders.

B. Strict Press: 5 x 3 @ 75%, rest 2 min. heavy and explosive

C.1. Floor Press: 5 x 3, rest 1 min. add weight from last week.

C.2. Jumping Dips: 5 x max reps (-2), rest 3 min

D. E.M.O.M x 20 min

Even: 3 Back Squat @ 60%, for speed.

Odd: 5 Weighted Pull-ups, more for a good contraction and pulling as high as you can then weight.

E. E.M.O.M x 10 min

Even: 3-5 Muscle-ups

Odd: 30 Double Unders

Thursday 8/29/13

Rest Day, or VERY LIGHT recovery.  DO NOT do the class wod, however you may airdyne for 20-30 minutes, jog, or swim…or EAT ICECREAM and DRINK BEER!

Wednesday 8/28/13


Warm-up: 3 Position Clean x 3-5 sets adding weight

A. High Hang Clean: Build to a tough single

B. Hang Clean with 3 second pause below knee: 3×1 @ 80%-85%

C. Deadlift: 1 set x 8 reps @ 70% of 1RM

D. 5 sets @ 100%

8 “TnG” Power Clean, 75-105# (unbroken)

200 M row

rest 5 min. between rounds



Warm-up: 3 Position Clean x 3-5 sets adding weight

A. High Hang Clean: Build to a tough single

B. Hang Clean with 3 second pause below knee: 3×1 @ 80%-85%

C. Deadlift: 1 set x 8 reps @ 70% of 1RM

D. 5 sets @ 100%

7 “TnG” Clean & Jerks, 135/95

30 yard Low bar Prowler Push, AHAP

30 yard Sprint back

rest 3 min. between rounds

Tuesday 8/27/13


A. Strict Press: 1RM

B. Bench Press: 1RM

C. Incline Bench Press: 1RM


D. E.M.O.M x 12 min.

Even: 1-3 Strict pull-ups wide grip

Odd: 5-10 Push-ups

E. E.M.O.M x 12 min.

Even: 3-5 K2E, palms facing you.

Odd: 10 Burpees

(No rest between D and E)

A. Incline Bench Paused Bench press: 10 sets x 2 rep. Pause should be for 2 sec on chest (heavy but will need to go up)

B.1. CAT Bench Press: 2 sets x 3 reps @ 70%, rest 1 min/ 2 min. Ends B1

B.2. CAT Bench Press: 2 sets x 3 reps @ 75%, rest 1 min/ 2 min. Ends B2

B.3. CAT Bench Press: 2 sets x 3 reps @ 80%, rest 2 min. Ends B3

CAT means explode on the up/push! This should be a fast explosive move upward from chest to lockout.


C. E.M.O.M x 12

even: 7 HSPU

odd: 7 Strict Pull-ups wide grip or Max in 20 sec

D. E.M.O.M x 12

even: 12 Push – ups

odd: 5 strict chin-ups

No rest between C and D.


Monday 8.26.13

Back Squat 1RM
Warm-up: 3 Position Snatch + 3 Snatch Drops (5 sec hold in Bottom): x 3 -5 sets adding weight
A. High Hang Snatch: Build up to a tough single but no max.
B. Hang Snatch with 3 Second Pause below Knee: 5×1 @ 80%-85%
C. Hang Snatch Deadlift, Off Blocks 3″ below knee: 1 x 20 reps (heavy but not crazy)
D.1. Deadbugs: 3 x 20 reps
D.2. Back Ext.

Friday 8.23.13

A. Back Squat: 4 x 70%, 3sets x 4reps @ 80%
B.1. Floor Press: 5 x 3 reps @ AHAP, rest 1 min.
B.2. Jumping Dips: 5 x AMRAP (-2), rest 3 min.

C. E.M.O.M x 20 min.
even: 7 Wallballz, 14
odd: 3 Strict Pull-ups and 5 push-ups

D.1. Deadbugs: 3 x 20, rest 1 min.
D.2. GHD Back Ext: 3 x 25, rest 2 min.

A. Back Squat: 4 x 70%, 3sets x 4reps @ 80%
B.1. Floor Press: 5 x 3 reps @ AHAP, rest 1 min.
B.2. Jumping Dips: 5 x AMRAP (-2), rest 3 min.

C. E.M.O.M x 20 min.
even: 10 Wallballz, 25/20
odd: 5 Strict Pull-ups

D.1. Deadbugs: 3 x 20, rest 1 min
D.2. GHD Back Ext: 3 x 25, rest 2 min.

Jumping Dips or Dip Hops video

(-2) = stop 2 reps short of failure

Thursday 8.22.13


Take your heart rate upon waking tomorrow and make a fist and see if it feels strong. Take a full restday no active recovery mabye just mobility and light stretching. Then retest on friday morning and note how you feel and how your workout was.

light AD and Skillz of your choice

Wednesday 8.21.13

“All Groups except Crush”
A. Warm-up 3 Position Snatch + 3 OHS: 5 sets, For learning the positions not for weight or speed.
B. Snatch Off Blocks (2-3” Below Knee): Build up to a heavy perfect single.
C. Snatch Off Blocks (2-3″ Below Knee): 3 x 3 @ 75% of B.
D. Deadlift: 1RM.  Please omit if you did last week. Also do not go for a lot of attempts this should not take very long 10 min at most.
(*programing note we use the cube method on deadlifting/Pulling so if you look back 2 weeks ago you did deads for speed, then last week week we did it for reps that was the 8RM, then this week is the heavy day. If you freelance and fuck with the program you are only hurting your self and loosing adaption and training effect (blowing out your CNS)…… thats on you not me hommie!!!!!!!!)
+ (rest 15 min)
E. 3 sets x 100% Effort
5 “TnG” Power Snatches, Moderate load for speed and power.
30 yard low bar Prowler Push, heavy but you can’t stop because its to heavy.
rest 3 min.

A. Power Clean: every 30 sec for 10 reps @ 60% for speed and skill yes we just did this. Everyone in this group!

B. Scaled
2 rds for time: 85% effort
400 M Run
500 M Row

C. 3 sets
15 KBS, 55/35
10 Wallballs
5 Burpee Over Bar
rest 2 min

B. Indi or team
2 rds for time: 85% effort
400 M Run
500 M Row

C. 3 sets:
15 HSPU (if you have to do this but will ether blow you out or you cant get with me)
15 Wallballs
15 KBS, 55/35


A. Bench Press: 5 x 5, add 5# from friday.
B. Weighted Dip: 5.3.1, rest 2-3 min.
C. 15-10-5 of:
Strict Pull-ups (scale with band or chin-ups)
Ring Push-ups
D. Take 15-20 min to play with Floor Presses and Incline Bench seat Height. see vid below

A. Bench Press: 5.3.1, rest 3-5 min.
B. Strict HSPU: 1 x Max Reps
C. Strict Pull-ups: 1 x Max Reps
D. Take 15-20 mins to play with Floor Presses and Incline bench Seat height. see vid below

“Crush Games”
30 min AD easy pace
30 minPractice Skillz easy